Waterproof Draw Sheets Can Cause


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CNA 2016 C 16*


Question Answer
A clean, neat, wrinkle-free bed does what increases the person's comfort
What will keep beds neat and clean? straighten loose or wrinkled linens at bedtime
In nursing centers, a complete linen change is usually done on the person's bath day
Linens are always changed when wet, soiled, damp
To keep beds neat and clean, you must follow standard precautions and bloodborne pathogen standard
A resident is up all day. What kind of bed should you make? closed
A resident is not feeling well. The person will spend most of the day in bed. What kind of bed should you make after the person's bath? open
A resident needed hospital care. The person will return to the nursing center by ambulance. What kind of bed should you make? surgical
When handling clean linens, you must practice medical asepsis
Linens are held away from your boy and uniform
Clean linens are placed on a clean surface
_________________ linens spreads microorganisms. shaking
You brought extra linen into a resident's room. The extra linen is considered contaminated
_________________goes on the bed first. bottom sheet
What are always part of a linen change? bottom sheet
When removing dirty linens, you must wear gloves
You are removing dirty linens from a person's bed. Roll each piece away from you
What piece of linen is waterproof? plastic drawsheet
A waterproof drawsheet is used. It must be completely covered by the cotton drawsheet
Waterproof drawsheets can cause discomfort and skin breakdown
_________________can be used as a lifting or turning sheet. cotton drawsheet
What are safety measures for making beds? after making a bed, lower bed to lowest position
You are going to make a bed. For good body mechanics, the bed is raised
You brought 2 pillowcases into a resident's room. The person uses 1 pillow. What should you do with the other pillowcase? put it with the dirty laundry
What linens must be tight and wrinkle-free? bottom linens
A plastic drawsheet must never touch the person's body
Linens are straightened and tightened when? as needed
Wet, damp, or soiled linens are changed right away
. You are going to make a resident's bed. The nurse and care plan will give you what information? if the person uses bedrails
A resident has a closed bed. How can you make an open bed for the person fold the top linens to the foot of the bed
The bottom sheet is placed on the bed correctly if the hem stitching is down
The top sheet is placed on the bed correctly if the hem stitching faces outward
You have finished making an occupied bed. What do you do before leaving the room? place the call light within the person's reach
A resident does not use bed rails. You need to make an occupied bed. What do you do? ask a co-worker to help you.
A resident brought a pillow from home. The person has the right to use the pillow. True
You are making a surgical bed for a resident returning to the center from the hospital. A complete linen change is needed. True

Waterproof Draw Sheets Can Cause

Source: https://www.studystack.com/flashcard-2251468

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