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  • Multi-Boot a Raspberry Pi with Berryboot
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The Raspberry Pi is a fantastic little computer capable of all sorts of things, but unfortunately it only supports one operating system at a time.
Berryboot allows you to boot into as many Raspberry Pi operating systems as you want.

How to multi-boot your raspberry pi with berryboot
Berryboot is pretty self-explanatory. Just install Berryboot on your SD card and run the program. That fill format your SD card and give you an option to download a few of the more popular operatings systems like Rasbian, Sugar, and others. You can also add your operating systems as well, but it takes a bit of work in the command line. It's easy enough to manually swap operating systems on a Raspberry Pi since they're just installed on an SD card, but if you want to have them all on one card Berryboot is an easy way to do it.

For people short on SD cards:
Berryboot is a simple boot selection screen, allowing you to put multiple Linux distribution on a single SD card.
In addition it allows you to put the operating system files on an external USB hard drive instead of on the SD card itself.

Download link Berryboot for the Raspberry Pi: berryboot-20130225.zip
S ourceForge project directory: BerryBoot

To install:
Extract the contents of the .zip file to a normal (FAT formatted) SD card, and put it in your Raspberry Pi. This can be simply done under Windows without any special image writer software.
Once you start your Pi it will start an installer that reformats the SD card and downloads the operating systems files from the Internet.


How to multi-boot your raspberry pi with berryboot

If your Pi is connected to the Internet BerryBoot will try to detect your location based on your IP-address, and set the right timezone automatically. Verify that it is correct and press "ok"

How to multi-boot your raspberry pi with berryboot

Select where you want to store the operating system files, and press "format" You can install the operating system files on the SD card itself or an external USB stick/disk. Be aware that if you choose an external drive, the files of the operating system will be stored there, but you still need to keep the SD card in the Pi to boot from.

  • WARNING: all existing files on the disk will be erased.

How to multi-boot your raspberry pi with berryboot

Select which operating system you want to install. You can add more later.

How to multi-boot your raspberry pi with berryboot

It will download the files from the Internet automatically.

How to multi-boot your raspberry pi with berryboot

In the Berryboot menu editor you can install more operating systems, rename them, delete them, etc. Press "exit" to exit the editor and start using the operating system you installed.

HDMI CEC Support

When attached to a HDMI TV, you can also use the arrows on your TV remote to select an operating system to boot, instead of using your keyboard or mouse.

Alternative Installation Method Using Disk Image

If you are experiencing problems unpacking the installation files to a FAT formatted SD card (the easiest and recommend installation method), you can alternatively use a tool like Win32diskimager or dd to write this disk image to the card.
The disk image is meant to install Berryboot on another device, but it includes the Raspberry Pi boot files as well.

Headless Installation

(for advanced users)

Normal wired network headless installation

If you would like to use Berryboot without having a display attached, open the file named cmdline.txt located on the SD card in a text editor, and append the following settings to the same line as the other options:

The network information is in IP/netmask/gateway format.
You can then start a VNC client program on your normal computer, and connect to the IP-address you specified.

Wireless headless installation

To start a headless installation using wifi, append to cmdline.txt on the same line as the existing options:

And create a file called wpa_supplicant.conf on the FAT partition of the SD card with the wifi SSID and password in the following format:

Adding Your Own Custom Operating System to Menu

(for advanced users)

You can add your own extra operating systems to the menu. However this requires that you convert your file system image to SquashFS format first.

Most Raspberry Pi operating system images are disk images containing two partitions. A FAT partition with the boot loader and kernel files, and a second ext4 partition with everything else. We are interested in the second partition.

With a regular Linux desktop computer that has kpartx and mksquashfs installed, you can convert the second partition to SquashFS like this:


Put your SquashFS formatted image on a USB stick, go to the "Operating system installer", hold down your mouse button over "Add OS " and select "Install from USB stick"

If your image prefers to have a certain memory split use the extension .img128 .img192, .img224 or .img240 instead of .img.

By default, the Raspberry Pi boots from a microSD card. But since the release of the Raspberry Pi 3, new Pis have been able to boot from a USB mass storage device as well. Making that happen is a pretty easy thing to do, and it's the subject of this how-to.

A word of warning: the new boot mode is in its experimental stage, so it might not work with your USB stick or hard drive. According to the Raspberry Pi Foundation, a couple of non-working examples are the Kingston DataTraveler 100 G3 32 GB and the Verbatim PinStripe 64 GB. The USB compatibility issue will only affect some of us, but the next warning is relevant to us all: setting the boot mode is permanent. With that said, this sounds much scarier than it is: your Pi will still boot preferentially from the microSD card, if one is plugged in.

With those warnings out of the way, let's move on to the project!

How to boot your Raspberry Pi from a USB mass storage device

Step 1: Install and update Raspbian

We're going to end this tutorial by booting to Raspbian from a USB drive. But we can't do that until we enable USB boot mode, and we actually need Raspbian in order to do that. The only way to boot to Raspbian right now is to put it on a microSD card, so, ironically enough, this how-to on booting from USB begins with us booting from a microSD card!

If you don't have Raspbian installed yet, you can check out our easy guide on how to install Raspbian on the Raspberry Pi.

After installing Raspbian, let's install possible updates:

Now that we're up to date, let's move on.

Step 2: Enable USB boot mode

Now that we have Raspbian on a microSD card, we can enable the Raspberry Pi's USB boot mode. First, we'll have to add a config option, and then we'll have to reboot the Pi. This will set a bit in the Raspberry Pi's OTP (One Time Programmable) memory, allowing the device to be booted from a USB mass storage device. After that, we won't need the SD card anymore.

Enabling USB boot mode is easy. Open Terminal and run the following command:

This adds the config option program_usb_boot_mode=1 to the end of /boot/config.txt. Now let's reboot the Pi. You can use the PIXEL user interface or enter the sudo reboot command in Terminal.

After the reboot, check that boot mode has been enabled with this command:

The output should contain the value 3020000a.

If you are going to use your microSD card with a different Raspberry Pi later on, you might want to remove the program_usb_boot_mode=1 line from config.txt, so that the boot mode won't be programmed to that device as well. You can edit the file using the command sudo nano /boot/config.txt.

Step 3: Prepare your USB mass storage device

This time we are going to install Raspbian on our USB device. The process is similar to installing Raspbian on a microSD card, so you can use the same instructions. Just substitute "microSD card" for "USB device" as you read.

Step 4: Boot your Raspberry Pi from the prepared USB mass storage device

Let's plug in our prepared USB device and boot. After about 5–10 seconds, the Raspberry Pi should boot normally and you should see its rainbow screen. We're back in Raspbian, only this time we've booted from the USB drive!

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7 Comments on "How to boot your Raspberry Pi from a USB mass storage device"

I have a HDD from my old PC. I have put it in a shell and now use it like a USB mass storage (to retrieve old files) but have left it otherwise intact. Thus it should have Windows OS on it and I should be able to boot it from my Pi and run Windows, yes? I followed your instructions but when I go to boot from the USB nothing shows up on the display. My Pi turns on and I can hear the HDD running, but nothing else happens. It won't boot Windows. Am I missing something?

This will not work for two main reasons:

1. Your Windows installation is designed to run on a 32-bit or 64-bit processor (whichever your old PC was), not an ARM processor like the Raspberry Pi has. You can only run operating systems compiled for ARM processors.

2. Windows activates by hashing machine specs. You cannot transfer a Windows installation to any other computer easily because its activation will be invalid.

You cannot run Microsoft Windows on a Pi. There is Windows 10 IoT (Internet of Things) but it is NOT the Windows you know and (think you) love. In your searching you may come across Windows RT which IS designed for the the ARM processor but still has much higher requirements than our beloved little Pi has to offer and is not available to the public. Any other version is simply not designed/capable of loading for various reasons, least of which is the hardware. You CAN use a program called WINE (Wine Is Not an Emulator) along with additional software to allow you to run SOME Windows programs but the setup is not for the faint of heart and performance is that of machines produced decades ago.

Your best option is to purchase an external USB stick that you can set up to boot from but you are limited to the operating systems that have been developed or designed for the Pi. There are many to choose from besides the images provided by the Pi Foundation. Doing a search for BerryBoot or PINN may lead you to suitable alternatives if you are unhappy with Rasbian.

The Windows on that hard drive can only run on x86/x64 processors. Windows RT can only run on ARM processors. Pi has an ARM processor.

x86/x64 processors: They're fast and powerful, but they require a lot of electricity. So, they're used in desktop computers that can plug into the wall. All versions of Windows run on x86/x64.

ARM processors: They're weak but low-power processors for smartphones and other devices that aren't plugged into the wall. Mobile iOS, Android and Raspberry Pi run on ARM.

The two processor architectures are mutually exclusive.

So, if from boot from USB is enabled, and there is no USB drive plugged in (or no linux image on the USB drive) will it revert/fallback to boot from the SD card?

My question is because I want to make an IoT device, but don't want to be updating the packages individually, as they may break. So I only want to update the system as a whole. So I was thinking, the main image run on the SD card, but if a USB device is plugged in, then it can boot from that (assuming it has an upgraded image on it), it will then upgrade the SD card image from the USB image and reboot. Assuming the usb drive isn't still plugged in, then hopefully it would boot from the SD card. Correct?

It works fine if I only have one USB drive attached when it boots. It doesn't work if I have two USB drives attached.

This works great until…
I add a second or third HDD or SDD to the hub and reboot.

How to add "steering" to the boot so it goes to the correct drive and then gets /etc/fstab to load the other drives with UUID references.

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Senior Member
  • May 21, 2015 at 10:40 AM
  • #1
  • Hi,
    I'm just a RPi2 user and I discover something really interesting for Raspberry Pi series, specially for not expert people!
    There is a useful tool called Berryboot that allow to easy install many Operating Systems on the MicroSD of the Raspberry.

    If you are interesting in Berroboot, you can download it here: BerryBoot official website
    Here a video of BerryBoot in action:

    You can find many videos on YouTube. :good:


    Senior Member
    • May 22, 2015 at 6:16 AM
  • #2
  • Maxximo88

    Senior Member
    • May 22, 2015 at 9:06 AM
  • #3
  • michaelbuud19

    Senior Member
    • May 22, 2015 at 10:01 AM
  • #4
  • Trainer_H

    Senior Member
    • May 22, 2015 at 1:00 PM
  • #5
  • Maxximo88

    Senior Member
    • May 23, 2015 at 12:02 PM
  • #6
  • Senior Member
    • May 23, 2015 at 10:13 PM
  • #7
  • Maxximo88

    Senior Member
    • May 26, 2015 at 8:32 AM
  • #8
  • Senior Member
    • May 26, 2015 at 9:49 AM
  • #9
  • Did it update yours when enableling "auto update" ?
    Mine just download the update, but fails to install. Probably because it registred that it has "wrong" kernel.

    I did try to manually replace the system image as suggested in OpenElec forum, but it does not boot then.


    Senior Member
    • May 30, 2015 at 4:30 PM
  • #10
  • I have the same issue. I want to update Openelec 5.0.3 to latest beta 5.95. but neither auto or manual work. with Berryboot, it seems to lock the kernal some how.

    I want to multi boot between Openelec, RetroPie, and one or more other OS's. but berryboot seems to be problematic with updating them. I tried NOOBS but I could not get it to boot to any OS at all. Any other multiboot loaders or suggestions?


    Senior Member
    • May 31, 2015 at 11:11 AM
  • #11
  • Snaipersky

    Senior Member
    • Jun 4, 2015 at 2:37 AM
  • #12
  • Maxximo88

    Senior Member
    • Jun 5, 2015 at 12:02 PM
  • #13
  • NeoPreacher

    Senior Member
    • Jun 16, 2015 at 7:56 PM
  • #14
  • Wilsonb

    Senior Member
    • Jun 16, 2015 at 9:02 PM
  • #15
  • BerryBoot 2 on Raspberry Pi2 w/ Kali and Adafruit 3.5 LCD

    Hi, I have Berryboot running a few distro's including Kali. However the small LCD screen doesn't seem to work when using Berryboot.
    I tried getting the LCD to work many times w/ Berryboot and can't seem to get it to work.

    Anyone else try this?

    ———- Post added at 03:02 PM ———- Previous post was at 03:00 PM ———-

    Does anyone know where there is a repository for Raspberry Pi2 / Berryboot (Squashsf) distros? Converting them seems like a pain.


    Senior Member
    • Jun 21, 2015 at 9:32 AM
  • #16
  • Hi, I have Berryboot running a few distro's including Kali. However the small LCD screen doesn't seem to work when using Berryboot.
    I tried getting the LCD to work many times w/ Berryboot and can't seem to get it to work.

    Anyone else try this?

    ———- Post added at 03:02 PM ———- Previous post was at 03:00 PM ———-

    Does anyone know where there is a repository for Raspberry Pi2 / Berryboot (Squashsf) distros? Converting them seems like a pain.

    The official berryboot images that are used for the network setup are available on sourceforge, but are quite outdated.

    I found the process of converting the official images to squashfs not too tiresome using virtualized Linux Mint. However, some distros, like the latest version of Ubuntu Mate and OSMC are not compatible with berryboot. Having wasted some hours, I can say that squashfs limits some OS features (eg. updates, partition behaviour) and performance. On the whole, if you are serious about doing something on each of the distros, then the best approach is to use separate SD cards for each distro, convenient and offers full OS functionality. Otherwise, berryboot is a good way to just check out the various OS available, provided it is compatible with squashfs.

    Berryboot — Boot menu / OS installer for ARM devices

    Downloads: 2,316 This Week

    Last Update: 2020-11-06

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    Berryboot is a simple operating system installer and boot selection screen for ARM devices such as the Raspberry Pi and Cubieboard.

    It allows you to put multiple Linux distribution on a single SD card.

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    How to multi-boot your raspberry pi with berryboot

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    Can't find the download link even after the email was sent please put clear download button where we can see it. edit ,, be sure to be in desktop mode in Chrome. maybe put a warning in big red letters or redirect to a mobile site

    Great app. Does exactly what it says on the box. Support is a bit light-on but for most people that wouldnt be an issue. Many thanks to the devs of this project – it has made this user's life a lot easier. Would love to see support for ssh password decrypt via dropbear. Wish there was more talk of this on the interwebs. I spent days trying various guides for full disk encryption which I had found using typical search terms. It was just a matter of luck that after I got desperate and started doing deeper searching that I chanced upon this project. Better keyword optimisation of the website would help more people find it, because google is not its friend in its current state.

    Really enjoy the easy of use and ability to install multiple OS's and to boot from USB drives instead of the unstable SD cards. The only thing I'd love to see is a Copy of Xbian in the distro list, OpenELEC is a close second to it though I'd still prefer Xbian.

    I downloaded libreelec7.0.2 and tried on berryboot via usb stick. it said: image not in squash format :/

    Firstly, complete newbie, only been playing with Raspberry Pi for one day.

    So I originally used Noobs to use Raspbian on my Raspberry Pi and I've discovered BerryBoot and want to experiment with adding multiple OSes on a single SD card to see what they're like.

    So does that mean it's impossible to install BerryBoot with an existing installation and that if I want to have multiple OSes I would need to blow away my current installation of Raspbian?

    Or is it somehow possible to install BerryBoot and add my existing OS on top of it?

    2 Answers 2

    So does that mean it's impossible to install BerryBoot with an existing installation and that if I want to have multiple OSes I would need to blow away my current installation of Raspbian?

    Yes, and no (you can't install Berryboot with your existing installation, but you can put your old installation into Berryboot afterward). There is a bit of a caveat in that I haven't done this, so I don't know to what extent Berryboot modifies the OS's it installs. I think it is only necessary with regard to one thing, /etc/fstab , because this contains information about what partition to mount as the root filesystem. Generally the best practice with that is to use filesystem UUIDs (meaning, it would not matter which partition by index the fs is on), but this is not the case with Raspbian; the actual device node name is hardcoded.

    So you could still try this. You will need another linux system to do it as described below.

    Copy out your existing root filesystem (or use a fresh card for the Berryboot install). If you are copying it out, use the method described here with rsync (there's a reason for this, namely what's said there about what should be excluded from the backup, and that you are going to be copying it back into a partition that may be at least slightly different in size).

    Burn Berryboot to the card, boot it, install Raspbian, etc., to the point where you can boot normally.

    Determine which partition is being used as the root filesystem. Have a look at the /etc/fstab that's in play there and save a copy of it somewhere.

    Take the card out and reformat the root fs partition with fsck.ext4 ; this should leave an empty ext4 formatted partition.

    Using your backup or the old SD card, copy your old root filesystem using the rync method mentioned above.

    If the fstab copy you have uses UUID's, you will have to find the one for the new filesystem ( blkid can do this) and edit that in. If not, it should be fine as is. Replace the one in the newly copying root fs with this.

    You old install should now be usable via Berryboot.

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    Senior Member
    • May 21, 2015 at 10:40 AM
  • #1
  • Hi,
    I'm just a RPi2 user and I discover something really interesting for Raspberry Pi series, specially for not expert people!
    There is a useful tool called Berryboot that allow to easy install many Operating Systems on the MicroSD of the Raspberry.

    If you are interesting in Berroboot, you can download it here: BerryBoot official website
    Here a video of BerryBoot in action:

    You can find many videos on YouTube. :good:


    Senior Member
    • May 22, 2015 at 6:16 AM
  • #2
  • Maxximo88

    Senior Member
    • May 22, 2015 at 9:06 AM
  • #3
  • michaelbuud19

    Senior Member
    • May 22, 2015 at 10:01 AM
  • #4
  • Trainer_H

    Senior Member
    • May 22, 2015 at 1:00 PM
  • #5
  • Maxximo88

    Senior Member
    • May 23, 2015 at 12:02 PM
  • #6
  • Senior Member
    • May 23, 2015 at 10:13 PM
  • #7
  • Maxximo88

    Senior Member
    • May 26, 2015 at 8:32 AM
  • #8
  • Senior Member
    • May 26, 2015 at 9:49 AM
  • #9
  • Did it update yours when enableling "auto update" ?
    Mine just download the update, but fails to install. Probably because it registred that it has "wrong" kernel.

    I did try to manually replace the system image as suggested in OpenElec forum, but it does not boot then.


    Senior Member
    • May 30, 2015 at 4:30 PM
  • #10
  • I have the same issue. I want to update Openelec 5.0.3 to latest beta 5.95. but neither auto or manual work. with Berryboot, it seems to lock the kernal some how.

    I want to multi boot between Openelec, RetroPie, and one or more other OS's. but berryboot seems to be problematic with updating them. I tried NOOBS but I could not get it to boot to any OS at all. Any other multiboot loaders or suggestions?


    Senior Member
    • May 31, 2015 at 11:11 AM
  • #11
  • Snaipersky

    Senior Member
    • Jun 4, 2015 at 2:37 AM
  • #12
  • Maxximo88

    Senior Member
    • Jun 5, 2015 at 12:02 PM
  • #13
  • NeoPreacher

    Senior Member
    • Jun 16, 2015 at 7:56 PM
  • #14
  • Wilsonb

    Senior Member
    • Jun 16, 2015 at 9:02 PM
  • #15
  • BerryBoot 2 on Raspberry Pi2 w/ Kali and Adafruit 3.5 LCD

    Hi, I have Berryboot running a few distro's including Kali. However the small LCD screen doesn't seem to work when using Berryboot.
    I tried getting the LCD to work many times w/ Berryboot and can't seem to get it to work.

    Anyone else try this?

    ———- Post added at 03:02 PM ———- Previous post was at 03:00 PM ———-

    Does anyone know where there is a repository for Raspberry Pi2 / Berryboot (Squashsf) distros? Converting them seems like a pain.


    Senior Member
    • Jun 21, 2015 at 9:32 AM
  • #16
  • Hi, I have Berryboot running a few distro's including Kali. However the small LCD screen doesn't seem to work when using Berryboot.
    I tried getting the LCD to work many times w/ Berryboot and can't seem to get it to work.

    Anyone else try this?

    ———- Post added at 03:02 PM ———- Previous post was at 03:00 PM ———-

    Does anyone know where there is a repository for Raspberry Pi2 / Berryboot (Squashsf) distros? Converting them seems like a pain.

    The official berryboot images that are used for the network setup are available on sourceforge, but are quite outdated.

    I found the process of converting the official images to squashfs not too tiresome using virtualized Linux Mint. However, some distros, like the latest version of Ubuntu Mate and OSMC are not compatible with berryboot. Having wasted some hours, I can say that squashfs limits some OS features (eg. updates, partition behaviour) and performance. On the whole, if you are serious about doing something on each of the distros, then the best approach is to use separate SD cards for each distro, convenient and offers full OS functionality. Otherwise, berryboot is a good way to just check out the various OS available, provided it is compatible with squashfs.


    aeslami commented Jun 2, 2020

    I formatted my SD Card using Raspberry Pi Imager to FAT32. Downloaded berryboot for Raspberry Pi 4. Copied the berryboot files to SD Card but my pi won't boot.

    Please ask me any questions you have for troubleshooting.
    I am using macOS and Raspberry Pi 4 – 8GB Ram

    Thanks in advance

    The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered:

    MariusQuabeck commented Jun 3, 2020

    what kind of error message do you see?
    If it is about start4.elf file being invalid you can download all .elf and .dat files from this specific version https://github.com/raspberrypi/firmware/tree/a6c9b6b48ce86ef2527586a50760d52f1b33f642

    This fixed it for me, although no mouse/keyboard, so I'm stuck as well 🙂

    aeslami commented Jun 4, 2020

    I got a error message saying start4x.elf is not compatible 0x0.
    So I downloaded start4x.elf from the source you mentioned. I was able to boot but no mouse/keyboard control as you mentioned 🙁

    MariusQuabeck commented Jun 4, 2020

    thank you for confirming this, I already opened a separate issue for this.
    Feel free to merge or remove #638

    I managed to usb boot Raspberry Pi OS on the 8 GB version but I'd prefer ubuntu and there is a berryboot image for it 🙂 Let's hope this will get fixed soon.

    aeslami commented Jun 5, 2020

    I enabled VNC in berryboot config and used berryboot via VNC. I added an ISCSI target and installed Ubuntu 64bit successfully. I later used SSH to login to Ubuntu and the rest is history. However I can not use any USB on my pi 🙁

    How to multi-boot your raspberry pi with berryboot

    What is Berry boot:

    It is a software that can assist you to install OS. Berryboot is a boot selection interface also for the Raspberry Pi and Cubieboard. With the help of it, you can put many Linux distributions on an SD card. Additionally, you can transfer the OS files on an external USB hard drive. You can also boot more than one OS off the SD card. Besides, one of the most attractive facilities that you can get is that the SD card allows you to store the data of the OS in it. However, you can also create some space and configure it for only using the SD card.

    How to multiple boots your raspberry pi with Berryboot

    People use NOOBS nowadays. But in the early days, Berryboot was used. It is a bootloader, not an installer. It implies that designers made this run in such a way so that it can run many operating systems.

    Berryboot is quite similar to NOOBS. In this case, you also need to download a file. And then, open it and copy all the details of the file. After copying, you have to keep it on an SD card. But it doesn't contain any offline installer. During the process, the main thing is that you have to make sure that you are installing the OS files from the online Raspberry Pi. You can install it to SD cards, USB devices, and web drives. If thou want to install Raspberry Pi OS with the help of it, then follow the steps given underneath.

    Step 1:

    First of all, you need to download Berryboot.

    Step 2:

    Then, transfer the ZIP file to an SD card that is already formatted.

    Step 3:

    After that, you need to input the SD card in the Raspberry Pi.

    Step 4:

    Then, you need to charge the Raspberry Pi.

    Step 5:

    If you want, you can choose more OS files.

    Step 6:

    At last, select the OS file that you want to make as the default.

    Creating SD cards with Berryboot:

    These are the steps by following which you can create SD cards with Berryboot.

    • First, you have to format the SD card. Then, utilize the average disk for the tool formation. You can get this tool with the operating system of the PC.
    • Then, what you need to do is to extract all the data to the SD card. It is available as a zip file.
    • Then, make sure you have a WiFi network connection. Connect the Raspberry Pi to the network.
    • Then, put the card in your Raspberry Pi. And switch it on. As soon as you do it, you can install the boot installer.
    • Then, you can see the welcome dialogue box.
    • Then, you have to fix the right video scanning option.
    • You can use the disk selection dialogue box in this case.
    • When the disk formation process is completed, this software helps its users download the Photos. Here, you can select the Add OS dialog box.
    • You can use the BerryBoot menu editor display for adding more OS ZIP files. And then, you have to fix the issues if there are any with the files already being installed.
    • If you want, you can change the name of the file. Here, you can get an edit option. Using this, you can change the name.
    • Then, you can see a duplicate photo in the boot menu.
    • Then, delete the recent OS files.
    • Next, choose the photo you want to make as the default.
    • At last, you can tap on the exit option for rebooting the Raspberry Pi.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    How can you use BerryBoot?

    Here is the process by following which you can use the boot installer.

    • First, you have to download the Berryboot. And then, you need to extract the items available in it to the SD card.
    • After transferring the files of operating systems, insert the SD card in the Raspberry unit.
    • Next, you need to charge it to boot up.
    • When you see a brief procedure, then you need to go to the GUI configuration. But at this time, you need to take some time to maintain the output of the video.
    • After that, what you need to do is to fix the cellular network connection or any WiFi. When you have chosen the WiFi network, then enter the password of the WiFi network in your device.

    More Details about Download

    • After the WiFi configuration process gets completed, it will ask you to choose any disk. As the SD card is set by default, you can select the SD card instantly. Then, you need to click on the format options.
    • Then, you need to wait for a while. After waiting some time, this software will place you in an OS. Here, you can easily choose the first OS that you are eager to download in the Berryboot card. For this, you are required to install Raspbian. Then you need to select it and press OK for starting the installation procedure.
    • After offering the menu option, it allows you to use various functions. Here, it enables you to include one more OS. Or, if you want, you can delete the previous one also. And you can also fix the default OS.
    • After including an OS to it, you have to tap on ADD OS. As soon as thou click on it, you will go to the ADD option. Then, you will get many choices to select. Select anyone that you want and tap on the OK button.
    • After completing the second OS image, you can fix the OS you want to make as the default. Then, hit the 'Make Default' option.
    • How do I add an OS to BerryBoot?

      Designers made this boot installer in such a way that it can offer ready photos to the users by downloading from the internet. Do you use Linux? If yes, then the following guideline is for you.

      • At first, this software prepares the photos.
      • After the documentation, it transfers the prepared photos to a USB flash drive.
      • Then, you need to go for the plugin method. Here, you have to plug it to the Raspberry Pi.
      • Next, what you need to do is to boot up this installer.
      • After that, you are required to add photos. For this, you need to tap on the ADD OS option. Then, download and install it from the USB stick.
      • Thou can also include more OS to the Berryboot menu. But for this, you need to transfer the document.

        How do I update my BerryBoot?

        If you want to update the Berryboot, you need to copy the files again. Then, you have to back up all the existing files to the PC. When the upgrading of existing files is done, go for the reboot. After rebooting, you can see both operating systems successfully.

        Can you install multiple OS on Raspberry Pi?

        NOOBS can help you to make the installation process of the operating system easier on Raspberry Pi. There are two NOOBS versions available. An online installer is one of those NOOBS that can help you to download the OS.

        Items Required:

        • Linux Computer with USB Ports (optional SD Card Slot)
        • micro SD Card with SD Adapter (with USB adapter if system doesn't have SD Slot)
        • USB Flash Drive
        • Raspberry Pi connected to a video screen (usually HDMI)


        • The Flash Drive and the SD card must be 32GB or less
        • FAT32 file system is limited to 32GB
        • The Berryboot application is a GUI. So, it must be used with an HDMI TV/Monitor
        • Do NOT untar the berryboot files from berryterminal until they are on the SD Card
        • The 'Install BerryBoot on micro SD Card' procedure only needs to be performed once. It is performed to place the BerryBoot on a NEW SD Card that has a FAT32 file system. When the NEW SD Card with BerryBoot Application is booted on the Raspberry Pi for the first time, it will partition the SD Card into two partitions: FAT32 for the required BerryBoot application and a Linux Ext4 partition that holds the various Bootable images. After the first boot of the BerryBoot SD Card in the Raspberry Pi, the various Linux bootable images are either downloaded thru the Network or imported from a USB Stick. The USB Stick method is used to import the NextCloudPi Linux image. Once it is imported from the USB Stick, it is stored in the Linux ext4 Partition on the SD Card and the BerryBoot Menu is updated.

        Creating and copying NextCloudPi image to the USB Flash Drive:

        1. On a Linux System copy the following files (latest):
          • 'build-SD-berryboot.sh' script
          • 'buildlib.sh' script
          • 'NextCloudPi_Rpi_xx-xx-xx.tar.bz2' (xx-xx-xx = mm-dd-yy)
        2. Install squashfs-tools if it is not installed
        3. Unzip, then Untar the 'NextCloudPi_Rpi_xx-xx-xx.tar.bz2' file
        4. Run 'build-SD-berryboot.sh NextCloudPi_Rpi_xx-xx-xx.tar.bz2'
        5. Copy 'NextCloudPi_Rpi_Berryboot_xx-xx-xx.img' to the USB Flash Drive
        6. Eject the USB Flash Drive

        Install BerryBoot on micro SD Card (Only needs to be performed once):

        1. Download the proper Berryboot zip file for your Raspberry Pi from the website listed above
        2. Put the SD Card in your Linux System
        3. Wait for the SD Card to mount
        4. Verify that it is a FAT32 file system using 'mount' (should have 'type vfat' for SD)
        5. Copy the Berryboot zip to the SD Card
        6. CD to the SD Card
        7. Unzip the Berryboot zip file
        8. Remove the zip file (if you don't the Raspberry Pi will error on boot)
        9. CD to an alternate directory as to unmount the SD Card
        10. 'umount' (or eject) the SD Card
        11. Put the SD Card in your Raspberry Pi.
        12. Start your Pi with a Keyboard and a Mouse connected
        13. Wait for the 'Welcome' screen to appear (Berryboot installer):
          • Set Video
          • Set Network Connection
          • If network settings is correct, the proper Locale settings should be made. If not, select the proper Locale settings.
        14. If you selected a 'Wireless' connection:
          • Select Wireless Connection to use
          • Provide password if needed
          • Select 'Ok'
        15. 'Select destination drive' screen:
          • Select the SD Card (usually starts with mmc)
          • Select File system (usually ext4)
          • Click 'Format'
        16. It will now Re-partition the Berryboot SD Card and format it
        17. Select cancel on the 'Add OS' screen
        18. Wait for the Raspberry Pi to reboot after selecting "Ok" for reboot
        19. If the USB Flash Drive is already connected to a USB Port, continue to 'Install the NextCloudPi on the SD Card'