What to Do With Dogs Near Me

Activities For Dogs In Indonesia



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Indonesia is an island country located in South East Asia, and it boasts over 13 thousand islands, all of which are absolutely amazing and can be described as paradise on Earth. The largest one is Java, and it is the most populous island too, and on Java you can find Indonesia's capital city, Jakarta, a melting pot of cultures and styles. Indonesia is also home to the island of Bali, which is amazingly popular among tourists and is a famous holiday destination with breathtaking views and stunning sandy beaches. So, traveling to Indonesia with your doggo will surely be an adventure you don't want to miss!

Sunny Day



2 hrs

Items needed



Doggy waste bags

Activity description

When you arrive in Indonesia, you will both be exhausted. The long plane ride, the struggle to find a dog-friendly hotel, and maybe a culture shock will drain some energy from you and your doggo. When you get some rest and some delicious food in your bellies, you might want to explore Jakarta and find a dog park where your pup can unwind, have some fun, and get comfortable with the climate, the scents, and the new people and dogs who do not speak your language. Luckily, there are a number of dog parks in this big city, and some of them will be a perfect match for your pup's taste. Bring some water and some treats and go have some fun!

COMO Park is a dog park in the Kemang area, and it is described as a sanctuary for pets and their humans. It has a huge grass lawn, shops, cafes, and resting spots, so you and your pup can play and rest all in one place! Reassure your pup as you explore the park; the sights and smells are sure to captivate.

This dog park is a huge space and a fabulous spot for pets in Jakarta. It spans over 5000 square meters, and it includes a play area, training facilities, shops, bakeries, and food carts, as well as a vet, in case an accident happens. Your companion will be in doggy heaven - you could spend an entire day here!

Sunny Day



4 - 7 hrs

Items needed

Beach Umbrella


snacks and treats

water and bowl

Doggy waste bags

Activity description

Pack your beach bag, bring some snacks, treats, and of course, a collapsible water bowl for your pup and head out to the beach for a day of fun at very low cost! Bali is amazing because it has so many beaches! Big ones, small ones, popular ones, and hidden ones that no one knows about. Explore the island and find a perfect spot where you and your pup can play, relax, and sunbathe all day! Play some water games, such as wave diving or surfing, and soak up the intoxicating scents of the sea. Your pup will surely love the beach and learn to love Bali. Maybe they'll never want to leave?

While on the beach, do some wave diving! Splash around the small waves near the shore and let your pup explore the water and chase after the waves. They will be confused at first, especially if this is their first time at the beach, but they will start loving the foamy waves pretty soon! Keep them by your side at all times though, and don't let them wade in too far.

Let your dog off their leash if the beach allows that and allow them to run around in the sand freely! They will surely love the feel of sand on their paws and splashing around in the water, and enjoy their freedom in Bali. Monitor the heat of the sand, though; if the temperature is making the sand hot for your dog's paws, seek out a shady area.

Take out the snacks from your beach bag and have yourselves a little picnic on the beach! Munch on some delicious food and make sure to rehydrate often with fresh water to avoid fatigue caused by the sun. Set up an umbrella to rest under and have a relaxing nap together.

Sunny Day



6 hrs

Items needed



water and bowl

Doggy Waste Bags

Activity description

Indonesia, being a country of many islands, has some breathtaking landscapes you and your pup can explore together. Going on an exciting hike is a wonderful, yet penny-wise way to see something you have never seen before and soak up the scents of nature in this gorgeous country. One of the islands you can explore together is the Padar Island, home to the Komodo National Park! This is the home to Komodo dragons, fascinating animals that remind one of dinosaurs! If you and your pup manage to see one, you will surely remember that for the rest of your lives!

Start your hike from one of the gorgeous pink sand beaches of the island. From there, take a steady climb to the top of the island's peak. Be careful and mindful and make sure to go slow, so as to avoid fatigue. Keep an eye on your dog and allow them rest and rehydration in the shade even though you may think they don't need it yet.

While climbing up to the top, take a few rest stops, especially if your dog is not strong enough to handle a 3-hour climb to the top. Ease them into this experience and allow them to sniff and explore the surroundings. A snack and a long rest can be taken if needed; you are in no rush today!

Once you reach the top, apart from feeling proud of yourselves, your pup and you can soak up the breathtaking view that surrounds you. The blue water, the green hillsides, and the fascinating beaches will stretch before you, so take some photographs, show your dog the surroundings and just relax for a while.

More Fun Ideas...

Multi-colored Lake Hike

If you find yourself on Mount Kelimutu on the island of Flores, definitely take a hike to the multi-colored lakes in the mountains. Check out these gems and allow your pup to explore and soak up the scents and the views.

Food Testing

Of course, no trip can go without some delicious food! Find a dog-friendly restaurant and have a feast! Let your pup sample just a small morsel of new foods and figure out what they like and what they find delicious!


Indonesia, what an amazing place. Explore the islands and get to know the people and dogs. Make some human and canine friends, and go on a few breathtaking hikes to see the fascinating things Indonesia has to offer. Your pup will go crazy over the scents and canines of Indonesia and they will surely love all the delicious food, but what they will love the most is that they get to share this beautiful adventure with you by their side.

What to Do With Dogs Near Me

Source: https://wagwalking.com/activity/activities-for-dogs-in-indonesia

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